6:32 pm

The Eye Has to Travel

Today we watched the film 'The Eye Has to Travel' which was a documentary about Diana Vreeland who was a well known columnist and editor of fashion between 1936-1971 and then worked for the Museum Metropolitan of Art as a specialist consultant at the Costume Institute. Vreeland was spotted by Harpers Bazaar whilst she was doing the thing she loved the most, dancing, and was asked to join the team as they believed she had an understanding of fashion. From this she created a column, Why Don't You, which contained a list of obscure things that most people would never even think of. It was controversial because during this time the War was evolving as well as a recession so most of the list was unrealistic to most the public.
An example of the column in Harpers Bazaar
Diana showed little emotion towards her personal life within the film which is very similar to Bill Cunnigham in which nobody seemed to know what he did in his spare time as he never spoke about it. Diana and Bill were also similar in the fact that they believed fashion was in the daily air and everything was influential to create style. However there was a difference between the two, Diana saw the importance in money and believed that it was vital to be successful where as Bill believed that money was not important as it gave people power over him so having no money gave him more freedom. 
The film inspired me to always be focused on what you want to achieve and to take the opportunities that are given to you as you never know where they could lead to in the future.

Analysing an image task

After watching the film we were set a new task related to our mood board brief. This task was to analyse an image from your brand you had been allocated (Tommy Hilfiger) and then using the task information, analyse the image in an in-depth manner. 

This is the image I used from my brand to analyse!
The image was taken from an advertisement for the company. I decided that the image was: fun; young; simple; linked to denim; not the typical pose; exciting; fits with the consumer; rebellion; preppy and sporty. The varied expressions represent the variety within the consumer as well as the fact there is a mixture of genders and race which shows that denim can be worn by everyone but styled differently to be made more individual. The image is also in black and white which shows that there doesn't need to be colour to make the product stand out to the consumer as it is a constant piece. The image also represents unity between the different personalities. 
We were then also told that you could further your analyse by using information about where the image was sourced and what proceeded it, which analysed the brand along with the image.
I found this task really helpful as I am unsure exactly what I should say about an image and where to really start and this task was useful to get a better understanding of how to complete a similar task again. 

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