3:09 pm

What is a Brand?

In todays lectures and seminars we were learning about Brands and what exactly is involved within an individual brand.

'A brand is a living entity and it is enriched or undermined cumulatively over time, the product of a thousand small gestures.' Michael Eisner, Disney

'Branding connects corporate strategy with consumer psychology.'

A brand is made up of tangible and intangible items. The tangible is the physical, for example: the product that the brand sells; name; logo; slogan; packaging; merchandising; advertising; digital media; people and printed material. The intangible is the thought within the brand, for example: identity; essence; values; USPs; experience; references; emotions; attitude and ethos.

Branding is used to give a clear and distinctive identity for a product, service or organisation and to justify price, demonstrate newness, enable brand extension, validate purchase decision and to tell a story.

We then looked at the Brand Touchpoint Wheel to show how all the factors of branding link to specific parts of the customer experience. Even more so now the customer experience extends post-purchase due to digital media, this is because digital media allows you to get your experience across to a wider audience.

We were then told when we think of any brand to think of the 6W's (5 W's and a secret W),
What? Who? Why? When? Where and (w)How? This will help to determine the basics of branding.

Seminar Task

As it was a friday afternoon it was really nice to have a relaxed 'Pub style quiz' in our seminar, our group name was, The 4 Musketeers. There were 7 sections in the quiz: logos; celebrities; colours; slogans; characters; shop windows and sound. We found that celebrities and logos were averagely most remembered where as the slogans and colours were the least remembered. I believe this is because you can pay more attention to something if there is a celebrity doing an advert as it is more obscure and you always see the logos. The reason why the slogans were difficult was due to the fact that the slogans weren't specific to a brand and could have represented multiple brands. 
Our group scored 39/52 and we won the challenge, but not only this, it was also really helpful to understand how some brands have been successful in their branding and others haven't been as memorable to the public. 

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