
The Smart Tent

5:00 pm

Going to Glastonbury must be amazing, and it is definitely on my bucket list, but how would I cope if it constantly rained or I ran out of phone battery? Well they can't promise me anything on the weather, but EE will probably be there to help on the latter.

EE were 'named as the festival’s official technology and communications partner for the fourth year running' and this year they developed the 4G Smart Tent 'to keep campers connected across the 900 acre site.'*
'The ‘4GEE Smart Tent’ featured connected technologies including a mini fridge that tweeted when stocks were running low, an entertainment centre that showed the BBC’s live streams of six stages from across the festival, VR content captured on site and a voice-activated party setting that allows guests to set the music and lighting. The tent also acted as a Wi-Fi hotspot from 10am -10pm every day keeping Glastonbury-goers connected throughout the festival.'*
Now this seems perfect to me. Comfort, technology and the perfect way to make people super jealous by always being online. 


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