The Tornado
9:00 amThe hype of the new "it" thing has never been something I have gotten into. You would never catch me queuing over night, staying up late or getting up early, well maybe only for concert tickets. But one game really does get people counting down the days until launch, Fifa.

Launched at the end of September, Fifa 18, which I'm pretty sure is exactly the same as the past 17, is rapidly becoming one of the quickest selling games of the year.
Now I might not get the hype of the game or understand how you can play it for hours on end, but I do understand the great marketing that can enter and surround such a game. This year we have seen Coco Cola sponsoring the first virtual player after his introduction to The Journey mode last year, (which is pretty sensible as you can never trust players to not to end up in the papers for some stupid reason) and a launch event with Footballers and Youtubers competing. But what really struck my eye was surprisingly the launch commercial.

It might just be a virtual ad for a game, but it speaks so much truth in how a simple idea or skill can create such worldwide hype.