5:53 pm

Innovative Campaigns

What is a good way to make sure that your brand is the one that is remembered at the end of the day? Different brands have used different methods but all have been innovative compared to what was already out there.
In the 60's Levi's were a rising brand and the ad campaign below not only increased sales by a large margin but made the brand memorable. They used a well known soul song "Heard it through the Grapevine", Which could indicate that the brand is up and coming and the brand want the message to be passed on like a rumour. The campaign also used relatable actors so that this could relate to the target audience, not only with the male in his underwear but the old man and the girls in the launderette too. The brand can be related to any age. The ad campaign was also memorable because it was completely original and shocking, people stopped to look.

Sony Bravia also created an innovative campaign focusing on colour, which related to the colour definition on their Tv's, however there was no Tv in the campaign at all, just the use of colourful bouncy balls. The campaign was both film and cinematography which also made the campaign stand out as this was unique at the time of release. Once again music was used to imitate the emotion that the campaign wants to portray.

Present campaigns have been using even more digital and online advertising due to the nature of development. Skittles used their taste the rainbow slogan to create interactive campaigns where you could touch the rainbow. This gained the brand 11,000 youtube subscribers as well as their sales increasing 78%.
Another campaign was Eddings 50th Anniversary in which they had a white background where anybody could interactively draw onto. This allowed it always to be different but still portrayed the same message. The campaign was used on the streets instead of Tv which allowed the message to get to an even wider audience and get more people involved.

Seminar Task- John Lewis Case Study

The status' every year read, 'Coca Cola advert on Tv, now I know it's Christmas!' However there has been a change in the past couple of years to not just the Coca Cola advert, but people wait for the John Lewis advert to determine whether or not it is Christmas. 
This years ad campaign has split the public on opinion however all agree that John Lewis are selling the idea of how to be Christmas.
John Lewis started the campaigns as they discovered that the brand was used for special occasion moments in life so they adapted on this to create a big emotional relationship between customers all year. Using adverts especially at Christmas places John Lewis with the other big supermarket contenders, however it allows the brand to be the more upmarket option. John Lewis as a brand has core values that make the brand so popular and individual, the brand is their for the big moments in life, trustworthy, quality, traditional, reassuring and has an importance in family. 
The ad campaign itself had a large budget of 7million, (4.2 of which was spent on air time), however compared to the other supermarket budgets this is surprisingly low. The brand have not just used the campaign and left it, they have integrated it into the market by using social media such as twitter account for the bare and the hare, soft toys for stocking fillers, christmas cards and wrapping paper and started recently in London the visual merchandisings of the windows shown below. Personally I wasn't too sure on the advert at first as I thought that there wasn't an overall message, however once I watched it a couple of times I got my head around it and thought how they created it without CGI was even better and gave off the effect of a story book. The music will be overplayed over Christmas by everyone, even me, but overall I think John Lewis have 'Sold the idea of Christmas" to the public once again.

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