6:39 pm

The Modern Consumer

The pre-digital consumer was not only limited in choice but in supply, information, price, dialogue and was relatively powerless. However due to increases in social media the modern consumer is now able to be more connected, active, mobile, demanding and powerful, however it has caused consumers to be more impatient and expect more.
Marketers have also improved due to this and now can conduct effective targeting due to your personal searches. This can be done through cookies on web pages that use adverts for previously visited sites, this can be annoying as this may not be accurate to your actual wants such as students having to research projects.
The increase in new technology has influenced brands to use this to their advantage, setting up their own social media as well as having an importance of customisation to gain the trust and encourage customers to use their brand over any others.
No one is aware of what can happen next that can affect consumers and brands but due to it only being the start of the technology era it could be possible that you can customise your own clothes within your own house due to smart textiles.

An effective way of targeting the correct consumer for your brand is using customer profiling.  In the seminar today we worked on very simple consumer profile briefs. All groups came up with different ideas for each person due to the detail given was only sex, occupation and where they lived. Therefore I learnt that when you are consumer profiling you need to be really specific with every detail, e.g. if they play sport which sport and how often? If they like to go out, where do they go? on what day? and who with?. This may seem really personal but you need to create an anecdotal character just like a fictional character then back it up with facts and figures.
an example of a consumer profile for a brand

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