Bussing About

5:00 pm

Picture this - you're waiting for your bus. It's running late and it's pretty chilly and your bored of just flicking through your social media channels. We've all been there. Brands have picked up on this, and many are jumping in to make a better experience of this simple every day activity, using Interactive Bus Shelters. 

Lucozade's Get-Fit Bus Shelter

Drinks brand Lucozade launched a get-fit bus shelter in Manchester last year, in a bid to motivate passers-by to get more into fitness. The bus shelter featured a virtual fitness instructor, who would take the public through a workout while they waited for their bus. Exercise routines ranged from Zumba to Boxercise, and participants were rewarded with a new look Lucozade Sport Body Fuel or Low Cal drink dispensed through the bus shelter. The activation formed part of the brand's Made to Move campaign, and involved a £5m investment by the brand, with almost 16 million 16-34 year olds being exposed to the campaign. *

Pepsi Max Unbelievable Bus Shelter

Pepsi MAX launched the next innovative stage of their 'Unbelievable' campaign, combining the DOOH platform with cutting-edge technology to revolutionise how we see city streets.The technology, which is exclusive to Pepsi MAX, was launched to commuters and shoppers on one of London's busiest roads, New Oxford Street. A bus stop six sheet showed a live feed of the street ahead, giving the illusion of a see-through display. However, as people wait and watch, bespoke creative content showed an array of incredible scenarios unfolding on the street, instantly whisking Londoners away from their ordinary environment and placing them into something completely unbelievable. **

Barnados Turning Childrens Lives Around

This trend may be speeding up, but back in 2009 Bernados developed this moving interactive bus shelter. Displayed on a bus stop on Tottenham Court Road in London, the bus shelter features a film, of a distressed-looking girl sitting alone in the corner of a room. At the bottom of the image is a traditional-looking collection tin that passers-by can place money into. When a coin is placed in the tin, the girl looks directly out of the frame at the person contributing and gives them a half-smile. ***
Upsetting, yes. But bus shelters are a spot that many people will pass through on a daily basis and getting this harrowing truth out to as many people as possible is really important.. 

Brands aren't just looking into using technology for their interactive bus shelters, many have taken a creative approach - take a look at some below.

Brands are being very clever in using this marketing technique, as bus stop sites can be quite costly to obtain for a certain length of time and if it's not engaging or creating a response from those passing then it's not worth it. Whereas creating something interactive, (whether this be technology based or simply thinking outside the box), will not only intrigue those who use that shelter on a day-to-day basis, but others will travel just so they can be involved in this innovative experience. 


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