The Roses Are Coming
9:00 amThere is just one week to go until the Six Nations gets back under way, but this time is different! We are reigning champions and on a 13 game winning streak and hopefully this will continue after the upset of the 2015 World Cup. However one thing that didn't upset was the marketing support for our boys.
Lucozade: Strictly Home Nations Only
Lucozade worked their magic on this fun campaign supporting the home nations using international players from 8 teams. 'The TV, digital and social campaign shows Lucozade Sport as the "secret weapon" of the home nation rugby teams and shows overseas rugby players trying to get hold of a bottle of the sweet stuff. It aimed to show the brand’s "playful side "with "camaraderie and banter" by banning the drink from visiting nations. Overseas players were seen going to great lengths to pretend to be British and Irish– including having elocution lessons and dressing up in a Scottish kilt.'* This campaign played on the fact that Lucozade weren't an official sponsor for the World Cup, so they made sure they stamped their mark by supporting the home nations and therefore a connection to the event itself.
Samsung: School Of Rugby
O2: Wear The Rose - Make Them Giants
O2 also took the Oculus Rift on tour to different cities and rugby clubs, offering fans a virtual reality sporting experience. It gave fans an insight into training with England’s elite player squad, and was available in dedicated O2 rooms during the Six Nations match days at Twickenham.' ** This allowed the buzz for the event to start even earlier than many probably predicted and also established a strong hashtag. Closer to the World Cup a TV advert was released, picturing the England Team as cartoons who grew taller and taller with the increase in support from around the country whilst on the way to Twickenham. Along with this they put on a concert at the O2 in London which allowed the fans to get to know the players a bit more, and see them sing along with Take That.
So how will you #Weartherose?