Get Vending

10:00 pm

We are used to seeing vending machines throughout many locations, however usually stocked with your favourite food and drink treats. However this quick brand to consumer technology has been picked up by many, who are now using this simple idea in a new and innovative way.


'Quiksilver had vending machines in Standard Hotels (New York, LA and Miami), near the outdoor pools that sell board shorts, bikinis, and sunglasses. It was smart because the crowd that stays at the Standard are the type of key influencers Quiksilver wants to reach. Placement in such a trendy hotel, imparts trendiness to the brand. Besides solving a problem for those that forgot to bring those items, the vending machines were viewed as novel and buzz worthy because most of the visitors have never seen a bikini vending machine before.' 1

Cupcake ATM

Sprinkles is a bakery in America that saw a gap in their market - making their cupcakes available at any time, even when they were shut. They developed a 'vending machines for cupcakes, which the company cleverly named the “Cupcake ATM.”' This not only was a great idea for their existing customers, but the unique experience was then shared across social media, meaning that others visit just to gain the exciting experience. 1

Coca Cola

Back in early 2014 Coca Cola further developed their original Valentines 2012 Vending Machine. Back then the 'machine only dispensed sodas to couples who would prove they were together.' But the newer version is 'actually a virtual vending machine projected on a wall' that will only show up when couples are in view. The machine also seemed to start on their well known tagline - ShareACoke - as the machine gave out 'personalized sodas by putting the couple's names on the cans.' 2


Walkers took the virtual vending machine one-step further by introducing a social media interaction, therefore gaining a initial buzz that could reach thousands. They 'transformed three London bus stops into tweet-activated vending machines as part of its ongoing 'Do us a Flavour' campaign.' 'A series of short clips show Gary Lineker appearing to sit inside the bus stop vending machines. Passers-by are then encouraged to tweet @Walkers_busstop, triggering the vending machine to dole out free packets of crisps,' that coincide with the 6 final flavours in the 'Do us a Flavour' competition. 3

Benefit Cosmetics

'Benefit Cosmetics have a vending machine strategy of placing fun pink machines in airports around the world. Their products stand out more than if hidden in an airport shop amid the competitive clutter of other duty free cosmetics; The trademark bright pink color, unusual in a vending machine, attracts attention; Women who are waiting for planes and have time to kill, are more likely to look at the full range of offerings, increasing awareness of the total product line; These vending machines solve a problem for women who may have forgotten or run out of certain make-up items, and as a result, non-Benefit users as well may try their products.' 1

I Heart Radio

Similar to social media vending machine integration used by Walkers, I Heart Radio took a similar approach. The 'T-shirt vending machine accepted Instagram photos as payment.' 'Passers-by first touch the screen, which then displays a unique four-digit code. Then, consumers take an Instagram picture and tag it with the hashtag #iHeartRadio followed by the code. The uploaded photo triggers the vending machine to spit out a T-shirt or a pair of sunglasses.' 4

Old Spice

Old Spice is well known for their unique adverts, and there take on the vending machine trend was no different. Nestled behind fake pine trees and prickly plastic grass, the giant vending machine let passers submit various items found in nature (snake skin, owl pellets, brain coral, etc.) and reap corresponding rewards. The weirder the item the better the payout. An African horned melon would win you a pair of tickets for the NBA All-Star Game. Got a 6-inch bamboo stick? You got yourself a $1,000 scholarship to wrestling school. Abalone shell? A fake Vince Lombardi trophy was yours.' 5


Instead of asking consumers to use social media or to use weird objects in return for a payout, Gatorade used Fitness. Peyton Manning is back to shame more lazy people into earning their Gatorade with sweat, and this time he's brought his brother with him. In a new reality-style ad series, Peyton, quarterback of the Denver Broncos, and Eli, quarterback of the New York Giants, play coach to college students who are foolishly trying to use money to get drinks out of a Gatorade vending machine and advise them that they have to "Sweat it to get it."' 6

Not On The High Street

Not On The High Street targeted the Christmas Shoppers within Waterloo and Paddington train stations. 'The Gift-O-Matic machines released a present when commuters tweeted @notonthehighstreet with their location and a hashtag that corresponded to a particular personality type, such as #Foodie, #PetLover or #Gardener. The machines then dispensed a complimentary gift based on each individual request. They were stocked with products from 5,000 small businesses featured on the brand’s website, including grow your own coffee plants, glittery bow ties and woollen mittens.' 7

Stranger Things

Netflix sensation, Stranger Things, have recently jumped onto the vending trend with a machine that was powered by your mind. The lights lit up according to your mind power. The higher mind power, the higher the lights went up and therefore the better giveaway.

The development of this trend is huge and even though it is being repeated over and over by many different brands, all are still effective and create a huge buzz. Even if social media isn't used initially to claim prizes, the event of using the machine itself is often shared and therefore free coverage is being gained for the brand along with fun and exciting experiences for us.

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