Samsung Phone Line

11:00 am

Have you ever had to wait in line to get something you really wanted? Whether it be for a phone, concert tickets or the next big fashion item, you are never prepared for the longevity of this experience. Samsung felt our pain and got innovative.

'For the launch of the Galaxy S4, New Zealand agency Colenso BBDO created a "Smart Phone Line"—a digital queue that fans could join and then move up in line by posting in social media about the phone. A large screen in Auckland actually showed the avatars waiting in line, sharing tweets in real time and skipping ahead. (The fan who worked his or her way to the front of the line by launch got a free S4.)'*
I love that Samsung made the boring and often frustrating experience into something fun, competitive and both physical and digital. They were able to create a buzz around the launch of their new product without having to do too much themselves. 'The campaign saw 12,000 people line the virtual line for two weeks, sharing 74,000 product feature stories.'**
Pretty good figures and sitting back and letting consumers do the promoting, seems like a great idea to me.


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