The New York Gun Shop

9:00 am

Gun laws in America will always be a hot topic of conversation but every gun has a history and this amazing case study made sure they put this strong message across.

'AMERICA HAS A GUN PROBLEM. Every year, 30,000 Americans are killed with guns. With 6 out of 10 Americans believing that having a gun in the home makes it a safer place to be, gun sales are skyrocketing.  But studies show that owning a gun actually increases the risk of death & injury.'*
So what could really be done to hammer this home to Americans who still thought having a gun would make them safer? Well, the answer was to 'open a real and virtual gun store and "sell" firearms by sharing the histories behind them - the unintended tragedies, including suicides, homicides, unintentional & mass shootings that resulted. Shoppers' stunned reactions were then captured via hidden cameras and used to make a powerful public service announcement.'*
The results - well they spoke for themselves. 'Within one week, more than 400 broadcast, online and print media outlets covered the story in the US alone, with additional pick-up in 179 countries around the globe.  And most importantly, they successfully changed people’s minds, with 80% of shoppers who visited the store deciding they no longer wished to own a firearm.'* Along with those figures the campaigned gained: 775 Million earned impressions, 13 Million views, $12.2 Million in earned media value, 3000% increase in donations and 1250% increase in signed petitions. Huge figures but for an even bigger issue.


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