One Minute Walked

12:30 pm

'As part of Unilever’s brightFuture initiative highlighting the importance of protecting the rainforest, N2O delivered 'One Minute Walked', a one day multimedia experiential activity bringing the rainforest to life on London’s busy South Bank. The 46 metre installation, in partnership with WWF, brought a one minute immersive rainforest walkway to passers-by, featuring tropical plants and foliage, interspersed with eco-facts about deforestation, and how WWF and Unilever work together to make a difference.'*

'N2O provided the initial creative concept, built and installed all elements of the experience all within a short timeline and in-line with Unilever’s commitment to a sustainable future, by using only certified-sustainable materials in the build.Beginning with an educational video about the plight of the rainforest, participants then experienced the 360° VR rainforest immersion experience before passing down the wooden walkway. 
All visitors were encouraged to pose for a photo and share their experience on social media, using #brightfuture, to further increase brand awareness and orgabic mentions of the initiative.Along with passers-by who didn't enter the walkway, all were invited to sign the Unilever pledge to protect one million trees in the Brazilian and Indonesian rainforests.'*
This 2015 activation was ahead of its time with the integration of lots of different elements, especially the use of virtual reality. We are much more used to seeing this technology now, but it still had the same effect - to be able to take consumers to a different world. 
The sheer size of the activation was compelling to passers-by and made people really take a step back and think about the harsh reality of deforestation. Within the space itself, hard hitting facts supported this horror whilst the VR experience showcased exactly what it was like to be in a Rainforest. 
Two other strong features of the activation were: the encouragement of Social Media, which allowed the event to be pushed out to a much wider audience; and the use of data capture in asking attendees and passers-by to sign the Unilever pledge, meaning they could then further push content. 
It's shocking that a tree may be safer in the city than in the rainforest
But if companies and individuals are committed into pushing this message in engaging ways, then maybe we can make a difference and change this.


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