Tennis Across Borders

9:00 am

The border between U.S. and Mexico has inspired many inventive ideas since Donald Trump promised to construct a massive wall separating the two countries. One of those ideas came from the Björn Borg brand, who risked arrest to produce a film about how sport can unify.

'Swedish sports brand Björn Borg placed the border smack dab in the middle of a tennis match, to show how sport is meant to unify.Working with Swedish agency Round & Round, Björn Borg held the "Borg Open" at the Tijuana River on the U.S.-Mexico border. Mexican tennis player Mariano Argote played against Peter Clemente of the U.S. Throughout, voiceovers from both players reveals how their friends and opponents in the other countries have been instrumental to improving each others' game.'*
I love this video and I love the use of sport and unity in an issue that is still an unbelievable, but sadly very real, concept. Sport has and will always be something that can not only be competitive but can also bring people together. It's a common language between us all and we will all take similar messages away from this event and film.


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